Frequently Asked Questions

About Peer Tutoring

We expect our tutors to be knowledgeable in the subject they are tutoring, be good communicators, and be responsible individuals. To be eligible to tutor you must have a grade of 3.0 in the class and a professor recommendation.

We recommend requesting a tutor if you feel unsure about coursework or what is happening in class and have also utilized office hours, TAs, language tables, etc.

Once you fill out the Request form, the head tutor will match you with one of our fabulous peer tutors! You should expect to see an email from your tutor within 48-72 hours of filling out the form.

The Resources for Academic Support tab references some helpful academic resources.

Please reach out to the head tutor of the subject you are wanting to tutor. Once they receive your email, they will let you know what the next step in the process is (this will include a professor recommendation, an application, and an interview).

Our peer tutors go through an initial training each year along with monthly trainings covering topics such as communication, different styles of learning, and scenarios that could come up over the course of the semester.  All trainings are mandatory, but due to time conflicts there are alternative options offered on our Moodle page.

Tutors can help you identify challenges you may have with the material, explain a concept in a different way, and be there to provide one-on-one support. However, they cannot help you complete assignments that will be turned in. 

Tutoring is offered for the courses listed on the website. If you would like support in a course not supported by the program, we recommend reaching out to your professor and asking them what resources are available.  If you are enrolled in an upper-level course but would like support in fundamental material that is covered in the courses listed, you are also encouraged to submit a Request Form.

Yes!  If you would like to provide feedback to the program, please complete this survey.

Campus Center

Contact Us

Office of Academic Support

Office of Academic Support
Campus Center First Floor
Phone: 610-526-5375